Monday, April 23, 2012


Those two photos in the last post are reversed - the top is Van Epps and the bottom photo is Harding.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Picture of Harding

Here's Harding peak, that we skied last weekend.

And here's a photo of Van Epps, one of my favorite runs.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Washington Rules!

Where else can you ski powder on Saturday (two hours from Seattle) and ride your bike in 65 degree weather on Sunday? This place is awesome! Aaron and I snowmoed out to the wilderness boundry on Saturday and skied Harding mountain. The snow was a bit sun-affected there, so we skinned up a north-facing peak that faces harding. Powder! We had an incredibly good run then skinned back to the sleds. Adding several stuck episodes to the snowmobile ride and combining that with about 3500 feet of climbing and I was worked. We were out from 9AM to 8PM, but it was glorious. Then out for an Italian dinner and a fantastic night's sleep.

Here are photos of Scott and Aaron from two weeks prior on Van Epps.